martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Español 1 7B: Regular Preterit Verbs, Preterit of Ir, and Direct Object Pronouns

Español 1 7B: Regular Preterit Verbs, Preterit of Ir, and Direct Object Pronouns

1) Haz las pruebas en la Red.
2) Practica el vocabulario  o el vocabulario con definiciones.
3) Practica Regular Preterit Verbs: formation 1, formation 2 (customize for only -car/-gar/-zar verbs), or in context.
4) Practica Preterit of Ir: formation (choose ir) or in context.
5) Practica Direct Object Pronouns: notes, in context, Battleship or with a game.
6) Repasa con Jeopardy, Battleship, Kahoot1 o Kahoot2.

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