jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013


1) Log on to your textbook and complete the "Pruebas" for today by clicking on the clock on the calendar.  Make sure you pass each quiz with at least a 70%.

2) Practice your vocabulary with Practice Activities or Puzzles under 1B.

3) Use the Space Race to practice your spelling skills.

4) Work on homework.

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013


Español I:

1) Log on to your online workbook. Remember your passward is "s" then your student id. Click on the clock on the calendar and complete the activities for today with passing scores.

2) Practice your vocabulary with the "Space Race."

3) Complete your homework online, if needed, or write out your Journal Activity.

4) If you are finished with everything, you may explore this website.

Español II:

1) Log on to your online workbook. Remember your passward is "s" then your student id. Click on the clock on the calendar and complete the activities for today with passing scores.

2) Practice your vocabulary with the "Space Race."

3) Complete your homework online, if needed, or write out your Journal Activity.

4) If you are finished with everything, you may explore this website.