102: www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?wcprefix=jcd&wcsuffix=0515&area=view
101: www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?wcprefix=jcd&wcsuffix=0205&area=view
Use this link for answering question 1 of Informate: http://www.colegioelsalvador.cl/index.php/estudia-con-nosotros/horarios-de-clases/
Complete "antes de leer" first in English, then read information on the website listed. Continue by answering the questions that follow in Spanish or English as directed. The application is not expected, but can be completed for a 4.
If you finish, go to the following links to practice:
102: http://www.quia.com/ba/456614.html
101: http://www.conjuguemos.com/activity.php?language=spanish&id=1&source=public&type=verbs
Choose only verbs that end in -ar and "All but vosotros" for the pronouns. Then click the green start button and conjugate away!!!
http://www.quia.com/cb/133676.html Challenge board for chapter 2A.